Workshop Announcement
The 37th Molecular Modeling Workshop 2025 is scheduled to take place in Erlangen from March 31st to April 2nd 2025 and offers an ideal platform for researchers, postdocs, and PhD students to showcase their findings to the molecular modeling community. This event enables young scientists to connect with peers from academia and industry, discuss their research, and receive valuable input from experienced researchers. Presentations of early-stage and ongoing research projects are highly encouraged.
The organizing committee invites poster or lecture submissions in English, covering all fields of molecular modeling, such as physical sciences, material sciences, and life sciences including computational biology, chemistry, and cheminformatics. The workshop is designed for everyone, from those looking to improve their presentation skills to those seeking networking opportunities in a casual, friendly atmosphere.
The conference fee is set at 100 Euros, with a discounted rate of 50 Euros for (PhD) students. All fees must be paid in advance via bank transfer. Passive online participation via ZOOM will probably also be possible, which can be selected when registering. Questions for presenters can be submitted through the ZOOM chat function (no direct audio feedback). Presenting a lecture or poster is not possible. Online participants will receive a 50% discount on the conference fee, payable via bank transfer. Registration for the workshop includes an annual membership for the MGMS-DS e.V., unless you choose to opt-out.
Please note: We cannot provide you with an invoice because MGMS-DS e.V. is a tax-exempt, registered charity organization in Germany. However, you will receive an "Attendance Certificate and Receipt".
Updates to this webpage will be made shortly. For any questions or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to the organizers:
The workshop book of abstracts is available for download in pdf-format (~48MB).
We are looking forward to meeting you in Erlangen!
The MMWS 2025 Team
- Plenary lectures
- Oral and poster presentations
- Submission deadlines
- Awards
- Conference Location
- Accommodation
- Wi-Fi Access
- General meeting of the MGMS-DS e.V.
- Pre-Conference workshop: Schrödinger Suite
- Post-Conference workshop: ProteinsPlus – Supporting Structure-Based Design on the Web
- Miscellaneous
Plenary lectures
Christoph Bannwarth RWTH Aachen University |
Reinhard Maurer University of Warwick |
Jan Meisner HHU Düsseldorf |
Renana Gershoni Poranne Technion-Israel Institute of Technology |
Oral and poster presentations
Several reasons have prompted us to introduce English as the official workshop language. (Oral presentations may still be given in German. However, please prepare slides in English in this case.) Oral presentations should not exceed 25 minutes (including discussion); posters should be prepared in portrait format (max. 90x140cm).
Oral and poster presentations are only possible by attending the meeting in person. Registered online participants can follow the talks via a ZOOM stream, which will be provided a few days before the event. To give online participants also the chance to have a look at the posters, we encourage all poster presenters to provide a PDF version of their complete poster. We will make the posters, additionally to the abstracts, available via the conference web pages.
The deadline for registration and payment is March 14th, 2025. Deadline for submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentation is February 28th, 2025.
Only online registration is possible.
Please submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation (one page DIN A4 format) no later than February 28th 2025 by e-mail to Please use this Word template or this OpenDocument template for abstract preparation and send it as PDF (print-ready) to
Please be aware that your accepted abstract document will be included as-is into the book of abstracts to be provided on this website.
Please note: Payment must be made in advance by bank transfer.
As in the past years, there will be two Poster Awards of 100 Euro each and three Lecture Awards for the best talks:
- 1st Winner: 500 Euro plus a speaker slot option at the Young Modellers Forum in London, organized by the MGMS-UK.
- 2nd Winner: 200 Euro
- 3rd Winner: 100 Euro
Only undergraduate, graduate and PhD research students, who agreed to our data publishing policy, qualify for the poster and lecture awards.
Conference location
All talks, coffee breaks, the poster session and the buffet dinner will take place at the
Chemikum, Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10, 91058 Erlangen!
Participants must organize travelling and accommodation themselves. For a list of hotels and guest houses please follow the link (Hotels, last updated December 2023!).
The rates given are only for orientation and may vary.
Wi-Fi Access
Wi-Fi access is possible by (SSID) eduroam. Please configure your Wi-Fi in advance or ask your local administrator for detailed informations about your eduroam access.
General informations about eduroam:
General meeting of the MGMS-DS e.V.
The general meeting of the German Section of MGMS (MGMS-DS e.V.) will be held during the workshop. Note that you may easily join the MGMS-DS for one year and thus be allowed to attend the general meeting when you pay the registration fee at our conference site.
Pre-Conference workshop: Schrödinger Suite
Unfortunately, the pre-conference workshop has been cancelled.
Post-Conference workshop: ProteinsPlus – Supporting Structure-Based Design on the Web
The ProteinsPlus web server (, supported by de.NBI ( offers molecular modeling support in different areas of structure-based design. It is free for academic use. With access to all publicly available experimental and predicted structure models from the PDB and the AlphaFold Database and an upload function, it offers on-the-fly access to various analyses and computations with numerous tools. In this post-conference workshop, we will introduce ProteinsPlus web server features that enable the study of protein structures and protein-ligand interactions. The workshop offers two sessions with an explanation and hands-on task per session.
Any structure modeling relies on high-quality structures and knowledge of specific features of the protein of interest. Therefore, we will first focus on in-depth analysis of proteins and binding sites. We will predict their protonation and tautomeric states (Protoss), check the validity of structure models solved by X-ray crystallography (EDIA), explore their flexibility (SIENA), and assess the impact of single-residue mutations on the structure (MicroMiner) in the first session.
In the second part of the workshop, we will focus on the analysis of interactions between proteins and small molecules. To this end, we will first use PoseEdit to generate tailor-made 2D interaction diagrams and fine-tune the illustration with a comprehensive set of utilities within this tool. Finally, we will illustrate how GeoMine can assist in the search for specific interaction patterns in known ligand-occupied binding sites in the PDB.
This workshop will take place directly after the MMWS2025 on Wednesday, 02 April 2025 (probably from 14:00 to 16:00, subject to change) at the Chemikum, Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Straße 10, 91058 Erlangen.
For further information, and a list of abstracts already received, please visit this workshop website from time to time. Please address additional questions regarding the organization of the workshop to
We are looking forward to meeting you in Erlangen!
The MMWS 2025 Team